
Wireless LCD display

From Just in Time

Revision as of 22:27, 30 July 2010 by Danny (talk | contribs)

A wireless LCD display based on a standard LCD display (4x20), a cheap 433Mhz transmitter/receiver pair and an SX.

Wireless LCD display.jpg

The original version of this device was developed on an SX. This firmware includes an implementation of a packet-based protocol on top of rs-232. The protocol allows for addressing and includes a 16-bit checksum (xmodem). This protocol was developed to allow transmisions along a very unreliable medium. Essentially, the protocol is quite simple though: when a package fails checksum verification, it is discarded.

In the mean time, we've switched to AVR and the wireless lcd protocol has been ported to ATTiny2313. Now, the same protocol is used for our remotely controlled RGB par spot and for the Oven temperature controller project.