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Revision as of 23:51, 28 June 2009

Here is the code for thermostat.lst

     1                  ;=======================================================================
     2                  ;TITLE:         <filetitle.src>
     3                  ;
     4                  ;PURPOSE:       <brief description of program's purpose and use>
     5                  ;               <rest of brief description>
     6                  ;
     7                  ;AUTHOR:        <name>, <company>.
     8                  ;
     9                  ;REVISIONS:
    10                  ;  <mm/dd/yy> - <details of revision>
    11                  ;               <more details of same revision>
    12                  ;
    13                  ;CONNECTIONS:
    14                  ;  <I/O pin connections and purpose>
    15                  ;
    16                  ;DETAILS:
    17                  ;  <very descriptive details about the purpose and operation of the
    18                  ;   program, special options, modification notes, etc>
    19                  ;=======================================================================
    22                  ;-------------------------- DEVICE DIRECTIVES --------------------------
    24  07F8  0F7F                      DEVICE          SX28,OSCHS1,TURBO
    25  07F8  0F7F                      DEVICE          STACKX, OPTIONX
    27  =00000000                       IRC_CAL         IRC_SLOW
    29  07FF  0B00                      RESET           Initialize
    31                  ;------------------------------ CONSTANTS ------------------------------
    32                  ;SIMULATION             EQU     1
    33  =003D0900       Frequency               EQU     4_000_000 ; clock frequency
    34  =00002580       BaudRate                EQU     9600      ; serial port baudrate
    35  =00000003       InterruptsPerBit        EQU     3       ; samples per serial bit
    37                  ; uncomment the following EQU if using a MAX232, since we need to
    38                  ; reverse the rs-232 signals while not using a MAX232
    39                  ;UsingMAX232    EQU 1           ; we're using a max232 
    41                  ;------------------------------ --------- ------------------------------
    42                  ; some derived constants (derived from the ones above)
    43                  ; These are not meant to be changed manually.
    44                  ;
    45                                  ; clock ticks per interrupt
    46  =0000008B       InterruptPeriod EQU     Frequency/(InterruptsPerBit * BaudRate) + 1
    47                                  ; value to put in W to obtain the clock ticks per interrupt
    48                                  ; formulated in this particular way to get rid of 'Literal 
    49                                  ; truncated to 8 bits' warning
    50  =00000075       RetiwValue      EQU     256-InterruptPeriod 
    53  =00000006       SerialOut       EQU     rb.0 ; 
    54                  ;SerialIn       EQU     rb.0 ; input respectively.
    56                  ;------------------------------ VARIABLES ------------------------------
    57  =00000008                               ORG     $08
    58  =00000008       spi_bank        EQU $
    59  =00000008       spi_value       DS 2
    60  =0000000A       spi_bit         DS 1
    62  =00000007.7     spi_clock       EQU rc.7
    63  =00000007.6     spi_cs          EQU rc.6
    64  =00000007.5     spi_so          EQU rc.5
    66  =00000010                               ORG $10
    67  =00000010       WAIT            =       $
    68  =00000010       cnt0            DS 1
    69  =00000011       cnt1            DS 1
    70  =00000012       cnt2            DS 1
    71  =00000050                               ORG $50
    72  =00000050       SERIAL          =       $       ;UART bank
    73  =00000050       tx_high         ds      1       ;hi byte to transmit
    74  =00000051       tx_low          ds      1       ;low byte to transmit
    75  =00000052       tx_count        ds      1       ;number of bits sent
    76  =00000053       tx_divide       ds      1       ;xmit timing (/16) counter
    77  =00000054       rx_count        ds      1       ;number of bits received
    78  =00000055       rx_divide       ds      1       ;receive timing counter
    79  =00000056       rx_byte         ds      1       ;buffer for incoming byte
    80  =00000057       flags           ds      1       ;only contains the rx_flag
    81  =00000057       rx_flag         EQU flags.0
    82  =00000058       string          ds      1       ;used by send_string to store the address in memory
    83  =00000059       byte            ds      1       ;used by serial routines
    85                  ; These macros control whether our serial line is high-active
    86                  ; or low-active.
    87                  Rs232Up         MACRO pin
    88                                          IFDEF UsingMAX232 THEN
    89                                                  setb pin
    90                                          ELSE
    91                                                  clrb pin
    92                                          ENDIF
    93                                  ENDM
    95                  Rs232Down       MACRO pin
    96                                          IFDEF UsingMAX232 THEN
    97                                                  clrb pin
    98                                          ELSE
    99                                                  setb pin
   100                                          ENDIF
   101                                  ENDM
   103                  ; transfer the state of the rs232 input pin to the carry flag
   104                  Rs232PinToCarry MACRO pin
   105                                  sb      pin                     ;get current rx bit
   106                                  IFDEF UsingMAX232 THEN
   107                                          clc
   108                                  ELSE
   109                                          stc
   110                                  ENDIF
   111                                  snb     pin                     ; 
   112                                  IFDEF UsingMAX232 THEN
   113                                          stc
   114                                  ELSE
   115                                          clc             
   116                                  ENDIF
   117                                  ENDM
   120                  ;---------------------------- DEBUG SETTINGS ---------------------------
   122  =003D0900                       FREQ    Frequency
   125  =0000000A       WKED_W          equ     $0A             ;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = falling, 1 = rising
   126  =0000000B       WKEN_W          equ     $0B             ;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
   127  =0000000C       ST_W            equ     $0C             ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
   128  =0000000D       LVL_W           equ     $0D             ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
   129  =0000000E       PLP_W           equ     $0E             ;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
   130  =0000000F       DDIR_W          equ     $0F             ;Write Port Direction
   132  =000000FF       RA_latch        equ     %11111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A latch init
   133  =000000FF       RA_DDIR         equ     %11111111               ;see under pin definitions for port A DDIR value
   134  =00000000       RA_LVL          equ     %00000000               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A LVL value
   135  =000000FF       RA_PLP          equ     %11111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A PLP value
   137  =00000000       RB_latch        equ     %00000000               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B latch init
   138  =000000FE       RB_DDIR         equ     %11111110               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B DDIR value
   139  =000000FF       RB_ST           equ     %11111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B ST value
   140  =00000000       RB_LVL          equ     %00000000               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B LVL value
   141  =000000FF       RB_PLP          equ     %11111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B PLP value
   143  =00000000       RC_latch        equ     %00000000               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C latch init
   144  =0000003F       RC_DDIR         equ     %00111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C DDIR value
   145  =000000FF       RC_ST           equ     %11111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C ST value
   146  =00000020       RC_LVL          equ     %00100000               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C LVL value
   147  =000000FF       RC_PLP          equ     %11111111               ;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C PLP value
   149                  ;-------------------------- INTERRUPT ROUTINE --------------------------
   150  =00000000                       ORG     0
   152  =00000000       Interrupt       
   153  =00000000       SerialVP
   154  0000  001A                      bank    SERIAL                  ;switch to serial register bank
   155  0001  02F3      :transmit       decsz   tx_divide               ;only execute the transmit routine
   156  0002  0A10                      jmp     EndInterrupt            ; 
   157  0003  0C03                      mov     w,#InterruptsPerBit     ;
   158  0004  0033                      mov     tx_divide,w             ; 
   159  0005  0232                      test    tx_count                ;are we sending?
   160  0006  0643                      snz                             ; 
   161  0007  0A10                      jmp     EndInterrupt            ;
   162  0008  0503                      stc                             ;yes, ready stop bit
   163  0009  0330                      rr      tx_high                 ; and shift to next bit
   164  000A  0331                      rr      tx_low                  ; 
   165  000B  00F2                      dec     tx_count                ;decrement bit counter
   166  000C  06D1                      snb     tx_low.6                ;output next bit
   167                                  Rs232Up SerialOut               ; 
   168               m                          IFDEF UsingMAX232 THEN
   169               m                                  setb SerialOut
   170               m                          ELSE
   171  000D  0406   m                                  clrb SerialOut
   172               m                          ENDIF
   174  000E  07D1                      sb      tx_low.6                ; 
   175                                  Rs232Down SerialOut             ; 
   176               m                          IFDEF UsingMAX232 THEN
   177               m                                  clrb SerialOut
   178               m                          ELSE
   179  000F  0506   m                                  setb SerialOut
   180               m                          ENDIF
   182  0010  0C75      EndInterrupt    mov w, #RetiwValue
   183  0011  000F                      retiw
   186                  ;------------------------ INITIALIZATION ROUTINE -----------------------
   187  =00000100                       org $0100
   188  =00000100       Initialize
   189  0100  005C                      mov     m, #ST_W                        ;point MODE to write ST register
   190  0101  0CFF                      mov     !rb,#RB_ST              ;Setup RB Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
        0102  0006
   191  0103  0CFF                      mov     !rc,#RC_ST              ;Setup RC Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
        0104  0007
   193  0105  005D                      mov     m, #LVL_W                       ;point MODE to write LVL register
   194  0106  0C00                      mov     !ra,#RA_LVL             ;Setup RA CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
        0107  0005
   195  0108  0C00                      mov     !rb,#RB_LVL             ;Setup RB CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
        0109  0006
   196  010A  0C20                      mov     !rc,#RC_LVL             ;Setup RC CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
        010B  0007
   198  010C  005E                      mov     m, #PLP_W
   199  010D  0CFF                      mov     !ra,#RA_PLP             ;Setup RA Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
        010E  0005
   200  010F  0CFF                      mov     !rb,#RB_PLP             ;Setup RB Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
        0110  0006
   201  0111  0CFF                      mov     !rc,#RC_PLP             ;Setup RC Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
        0112  0007
   203  0113  0CFF                      mov     ra,#RA_latch            ;Initialize RA data latch
        0114  0025
   204  0115  0C00                      mov     rb,#RB_latch            ;Initialize RB data latch
        0116  0026
   205  0117  0C00                      mov     rc,#RC_latch            ;Initialize RC data latch
        0118  0027
   207  0119  005F                      mov     m, #DDIR_W                      ;point MODE to write DDIR register
   208  011A  0CFF                      mov     !ra,#RA_DDIR            ;Setup RA Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input             
        011B  0005
   209  011C  0CFE                      mov     !rb,#RB_DDIR            ;Setup RB Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
        011D  0006
   210  011E  0C3F                      mov     !rc,#RC_DDIR            ;Setup RC Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
        011F  0007
   213                  ; zero all ram (SX28)
   214  0120  0064                      clr     fsr                     ;reset all ram banks
   215  0121  0784      :zero_ram       sb      fsr.4                   ;are we on low half of bank?
   216  0122  0564                      setb    fsr.3                   ;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
   217  0123  0060                      clr     ind                     ;clear using indirect addressing
   218  0124  03E4                      incsz   fsr                     ;repeat until done
   219  0125  0B21                      jmp     :zero_ram
   221  0126  001A                      bank SERIAL
   222  0127  0C03                      mov tx_divide, #InterruptsPerBit
        0128  0033
   223  0129  0C9F                      mov     !option,#%10011111      ;enable rtcc interrupt
        012A  0002
   225                  ;---------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM -----------------------------
   226  =0000012B                       BREAK MainLoop
   227  =0000012B       Main
   228                  IFNDEF SIMULATION
   229  012B  0C00                      mov w, #OpeningMessage // 256
   230  012C  0012                      call @send_string
        012D  090A
   231                  ENDIF
   232  =0000012E       MainLoop
   233  012E  0011                      call @SpiRead
        012F  0900
   234  0130  0648                      jb spi_value.2, :no_sensor
        0131  0B49
   236  0132  0403                      clc
   237  0133  0329                      rr spi_value + 1
   238  0134  0328                      rr spi_value
   239  0135  0403                      clc
   240  0136  0329                      rr spi_value + 1
   241  0137  0328                      rr spi_value
   242  0138  0403                      clc
   243  0139  0329                      rr spi_value + 1
   244  013A  0328                      rr spi_value
   245  013B  0403                      clc
   246  013C  0329                      rr spi_value + 1
   247  013D  0328                      rr spi_value
   248  013E  0403                      clc
   249  013F  0329                      rr spi_value + 1
   250  0140  0328                      rr spi_value
   252                  IFDEF SIMULATION
   253                                  mov spi_value, #23
   254                                  mov spi_value + 1, #0
   255                  ENDIF
   256  0141  0011                      call @send_decimal
        0142  0912
   257  0143  0C46                      mov w, #CRLF // 256
   258  0144  0012                      call @send_string
        0145  090A
   259  0146  0012                      call @WaitASec
        0147  0925
   260  0148  0B2E                      jmp MainLoop
   262  0149  0C3D      :no_sensor      mov w, #NoSensorMessage // 256
   263  014A  0012                      call @send_string
        014B  090A
   264  014C  0012                      call @WaitASec
        014D  0925
   265  014E  0B2E                      jmp MainLoop
   268                  SpiDelay        MACRO
   269                                  ENDM
   271                  SpiClock        MACRO clock_bit
   272                                  setb clock_bit
   273                                  nop
   274                                  clrb clock_bit
   275                                  nop
   276                                  ENDM
   278                  SpiShift        MACRO so_bit, register
   279                                  sb so_bit
   280                                  clc
   281                                  snb so_bit
   282                                  stc
   283                                  rl register
   284                                  rl register + 1
   285                                  ENDM
   287  =00000200                       org $0200
   288  =00000200       SpiRead         
   289  0200  0018                      bank spi_bank
   290  0201  04C7                      clrb spi_cs                     ; lower ~CS, this will give us the first bit.
   291                                  SpiDelay
   293  0202  0C10                      mov spi_bit, #16                ; reading 16 bits
        0203  002A
   294  =00000204       :bit_loop       
   295                                  SpiShift spi_so, spi_value      ; read bit-value
   296  0204  07A7   m                  sb spi_so
   297  0205  0403   m                  clc
   298  0206  06A7   m                  snb spi_so
   299  0207  0503   m                  stc
   300  0208  0368   m                  rl spi_value
   301  0209  0369   m                  rl spi_value + 1
   303                                  SpiClock spi_clock              ; move to next bit
   304  020A  05E7   m                  setb spi_clock
   305  020B  0000   m                  nop
   306  020C  04E7   m                  clrb spi_clock
   307  020D  0000   m                  nop
   309                                  SpiDelay
   311  020E  02EA                      djnz spi_bit, :bit_loop         ; do next bit
        020F  0A04
   312  0210  05C7                      setb spi_cs                     ; set ~CS
   313  0211  000D                      retp
   315  =00000009       HI      EQU spi_value + 1
   316  =00000008       LO      EQU spi_value
   317  =0000000A       temp    EQU spi_bit
   318  =00000212       send_decimal:
   320                  ; by Rich Leggitt with tweaks by Scott Dattalo and bugfix by Dmitry Kiryashov and Nikolai Golovchenko and Ted Inoue.
   321                  ; given 16 bit data in HI and LO, extract decimal digits
   322                  ; requires one Output register called temp, HI and LO are destroyed.
   323                  ; 42 instructions and less than 290 instructions executed
   324  0212  006A              clr     temp
   325  0213  0602              skip
   326  0214  02AA      sub10k  inc     temp
   327  0215  0C10              mov     W, #10000 & 255
   328  0216  00A8              sub     LO, W
   330                  ;Scott Dattalo says:
   331                  ;If you have a ram location that's known to be zero, then
   332                  ;the following [the IF] can be replaced with [the ELSE]
   334                  IFNDEF known_zero
   335  0217  0C27              mov     W, #10000 >> 8
   336  0218  0703              sb      C
   337  0219  0C28              mov     W, #(10000 >> 8)+1
   338                  ELSE
   339                          mov     W, << known_zero
   340                          add     W, #(1000 >> 8) + 1
   341                  ENDIF
   342  021A  00A9              sub     HI, W
   343  021B  0603              jc sub10k               ;11*7=77 inst in loop for 60900 (worst)
        021C  0A14
   344  021D  020A              mov w, temp
   345  021E  0012              call @send_digit
        021F  0900
   347  0220  0C0A              mov     W, #10
   348  0221  002A              mov     temp, W
   349  0222  00EA      add1K   dec     temp
   350  0223  0CE8              mov     W, #1000 & 255
   351  0224  01E8              add     LO, W
   353                  ;Scott Dattalo says:
   354                  ;If you have a ram location that's known to be zero, then
   355                  ;the following [the IF] can be replaced with [the ELSE]
   357                  IFNDEF known_zero
   358  0225  0C03              mov     W, #1000 >> 8
   359  0226  0603              snb      C
   360  0227  0C04              mov     W, #(1000 >> 8)+1
   361                  ELSE
   362                          mov     W, << known_zero
   363                          add     W, #1000 > > 8
   364                  ENDIF
   365  0228  01E9              add     HI, W
   366  0229  0703              jnc add1k               ;10*10=100 inst in loop for 60900
        022A  0A22
   367  022B  020A              mov w, temp
   368  022C  0012              call @send_digit
        022D  0900
   371                  ;Scott takes over here
   372  022E  006A              clr     temp
   373  022F  0C64              mov     W, #100
   374  0230  0702              skip
   375  =00000231       sub100
   376  0231  02AA              inc     temp
   377  0232  00A8              sub     LO, W
   378  0233  0603              snb      C
   379  0234  0A31              jmp     sub100
   381  0235  00E9              dec     HI
   382  0236  07E9              sb      HI.7    ;Check msb instead of carry for underflow.
   383  0237  0A31              jmp     sub100  ;4 inst per loop to 200 then 7 per loop to 900.
   384                                          ;Total 64(?) in loop for worst case
   386                  ;at this point, HI = 0xff, and  0 <= LO <= 99
   388  0238  020A              mov w, temp
   389  0239  0012              call @send_digit
        023A  0900
   391  023B  0C0A              mov     W, #10
   392  023C  002A              mov     temp, W
   393  023D  00EA      add10   dec     temp
   394  023E  01E8              add     LO, W
   395  023F  0703              jnc add10               ;40 inst in loop for worst case.
        0240  0A3D
   396  0241  020A              mov w, temp
   397  0242  0012              call @send_digit
        0243  0900
   398  0244  0208              mov w, LO
   399  0245  0012              call @send_digit
        0246  0900
   400  0247  000D              retp
   402  =00000400               ORG     $400
   403                  ;*****************************************************************************************
   404                  ; UART Subroutines
   405                  ;*****************************************************************************************
   407                          ;*********************************************************************************
   408                          ; Function: send_byte
   409                          ; Send byte via serial port
   410                          ; INPUTS:
   411                          ;       w       -       The byte to be sent via RS-232
   412                          ; OUTPUTS:
   413                          ;       outputs the byte via RS-232
   414                          ;*********************************************************************************
   415  0400  0D30      send_digit      or w, #'0'
   416  0401  001A      send_byte       bank    SERIAL
   418  0402  0232      :wait           test    tx_count                ;wait for not busy
   419  0403  0743                      sz
   420  0404  0A02                      jmp     :wait                   ;
   422  0405  0030                      mov     tx_high,w               ; store data byte
   423  0406  04F1                      clrb    tx_low.7                ; set up start bit
   424  0407  0C0A                      mov     w,#10                   ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
   425  0408  0032                      mov     tx_count,w
   426  0409  000D                      retp                            ;leave and fix page bits
   428                          ;*********************************************************************************
   429                          ; Function: send_string
   430                          ; Send string pointed to by address in W register
   431                          ; INPUTS:
   432                          ;       w       -       The address of a null-terminated string in program
   433                          ;                       memory
   434                          ; OUTPUTS:
   435                          ;       outputs the string via RS-232
   436                          ;*********************************************************************************
   437  040A  001A      send_string     bank    SERIAL
   438  040B  0038                      mov     string,w                ;store string address
   439  040C  0218      :loop           mov     w,string                ;read next string character
   440  040D  0055                      mov     m,#(StringPage>>8)      ;with indirect addressing 
   441  040E  0041                      iread                           ;using the mode register
   442  040F  0D00                      test    w                       ;are we at the last char?
   443  0410  0643                      snz                             ;if not=0, skip ahead
   444  0411  0A15                      jmp     :exit                   ;yes, leave & fix page bits
   445  0412  0901                      call    send_byte               ;not 0, so send character
   446  0413  02B8                      inc     string                  ;point to next character
   447  0414  0A0C                      jmp     :loop                   ;loop until done
   448  0415  005F      :exit           mov     m,#$0f                   ;reset the mode register
   449  0416  000D                      retp
   451  0417  001A      send_word       bank    SERIAL
   452  0418  0C10                      mov spi_bit, #16
        0419  002A
   453  041A  0368      :bit_loop       rl spi_value
   454  041B  0369                      rl spi_value + 1
   455  041C  0C31                      mov w, #'1'
   456  041D  0703                      sc
   457  041E  0C30                      mov w, #'0'
   458  041F  0901                      call send_byte
   459  0420  02EA                      djnz spi_bit, :bit_loop
        0421  0A1A
   460  0422  0C0A                      mov w, #10
   461  0423  0901                      call send_byte
   462  0424  000D                      retp
   464  =00000425       WaitASec        
   465                  IFNDEF SIMULATION
   466  0425  0018                      bank WAIT
   467  0426  0070                      clr cnt0
   468  0427  0071                      clr cnt1
   469  0428  0C0A                      mov cnt2, #10
        0429  0032
   470  042A  02F0      :loop           djnz cnt0, :loop
        042B  0A2A
   471  042C  02F1                      djnz cnt1, :loop
        042D  0A2A
   472  042E  02F2                      djnz cnt2, :loop
        042F  0A2A
   473                  ENDIF
   474  0430  000D                      retp
   476                  ;*****************************************************************************************
   477                  ;               String constants
   478                  ;*****************************************************************************************
   479  =00000500                       org $500
   480  =00000500       StringPage      EQU $
   481  0500  0054      OpeningMessage  DW 'Temperature Sensor', 13, 10,  'Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Danny Havenith', 13, 10, 0
        0501  0065 006D 0070 0065
        0505  0072 0061 0074 0075
        0509  0072 0065 0020 0053
        050D  0065 006E 0073 006F
        0511  0072 000D 000A 0043
        0515  006F 0070 0079 0072
        0519  0069 0067 0068 0074
        051D  0020 0028 0063 0029
        0521  0020 0032 0030 0030
        0525  0036 002C 0032 0030
        0529  0030 0037 0020 0044
        052D  0061 006E 006E 0079
        0531  0020 0048 0061 0076
        0535  0065 006E 0069 0074
        0539  0068 000D 000A 0000
   483  053D  004E      NoSensorMessage DW 'No Sensor'
        053E  006F 0020 0053 0065
        0542  006E 0073 006F 0072
   484  0546  000D      CRLF            DW 13, 10, 0
        0547  000A 0000

Cross Reference
92 symbols

Symbol                            Type   Value      Line
__SASM                            DATA   00000001   0000
__SX_BREAK                        ADDR   0000012B   0226
__SX_FREQ                         DATA   003D0900   0122
__SX_IRC_CAL                      DATA   00000000   0027
__SX_RESET                        RESB   00000B00   0029
add10                             ADDR   0000023D   0393
add1K                             ADDR   00000222   0349
BaudRate                          DATA   00002580   0034
byte                              MEMV   00000059   0083
C                                 RESB   00000003   0336
cnt0                              MEMV   00000010   0068
cnt1                              MEMV   00000011   0069
cnt2                              MEMV   00000012   0070
CRLF                              ADDR   00000546   0484
DDIR_W                            DATA   0000000F   0130
EndInterrupt                      ADDR   00000010   0182
flags                             MEMV   00000057   0080
Frequency                         DATA   003D0900   0033
fsr                               RESV   00000004   0214
HI                                DATA   00000009   0315
ind                               RESV   00000000   0217
Initialize                        ADDR   00000100   0188
Initialize:zero_ram               ADDR   00000121   0215
Interrupt                         ADDR   00000000   0152
InterruptPeriod                   DATA   0000008B   0046
InterruptsPerBit                  DATA   00000003   0035
LO                                DATA   00000008   0316
LVL_W                             DATA   0000000D   0128
Main                              ADDR   0000012B   0227
MainLoop                          ADDR   0000012E   0232
MainLoop:no_sensor                ADDR   00000149   0262
NoSensorMessage                   ADDR   0000053D   0483
OpeningMessage                    ADDR   00000500   0481
PLP_W                             DATA   0000000E   0129
ra                                RESV   00000005   0203
RA_DDIR                           DATA   000000FF   0133
RA_latch                          DATA   000000FF   0132
RA_LVL                            DATA   00000000   0134
RA_PLP                            DATA   000000FF   0135
rb                                RESV   00000006   0053
RB_DDIR                           DATA   000000FE   0138
RB_latch                          DATA   00000000   0137
RB_LVL                            DATA   00000000   0140
RB_PLP                            DATA   000000FF   0141
RB_ST                             DATA   000000FF   0139
rc                                RESV   00000007   0062
RC_DDIR                           DATA   0000003F   0144
RC_latch                          DATA   00000000   0143
RC_LVL                            DATA   00000020   0146
RC_PLP                            DATA   000000FF   0147
RC_ST                             DATA   000000FF   0145
RetiwValue                        DATA   00000075   0050
rx_byte                           MEMV   00000056   0079
rx_count                          MEMV   00000054   0077
rx_divide                         MEMV   00000055   0078
rx_flag                           DATA   00000057   0081
send_byte                         ADDR   00000401   0416
send_byte:wait                    ADDR   00000402   0418
send_decimal                      ADDR   00000212   0318
send_digit                        ADDR   00000400   0415
send_string                       ADDR   0000040A   0437
send_string:exit                  ADDR   00000415   0448
send_string:loop                  ADDR   0000040C   0439
send_word                         ADDR   00000417   0451
send_word:bit_loop                ADDR   0000041A   0453
SERIAL                             VAR   00000050   0072
SerialOut                         DATA   00000006   0053
SerialVP                          ADDR   00000000   0153
SerialVP:transmit                 ADDR   00000001   0155
spi_bank                          DATA   00000008   0058
spi_bit                           MEMV   0000000A   0060
spi_clock                         DATA   00000007.7 0062
spi_cs                            DATA   00000007.6 0063
spi_so                            DATA   00000007.5 0064
spi_value                         MEMV   00000008   0059
SpiRead                           ADDR   00000200   0288
SpiRead:bit_loop                  ADDR   00000204   0294
ST_W                              DATA   0000000C   0127
string                            MEMV   00000058   0082
StringPage                        DATA   00000500   0480
sub100                            ADDR   00000231   0375
sub10k                            ADDR   00000214   0326
temp                              DATA   0000000A   0317
tx_count                          MEMV   00000052   0075
tx_divide                         MEMV   00000053   0076
tx_high                           MEMV   00000050   0073
tx_low                            MEMV   00000051   0074
WAIT                               VAR   00000010   0067
WaitASec                          ADDR   00000425   0464
WaitASec:loop                     ADDR   0000042A   0470
WKED_W                            DATA   0000000A   0125
WKEN_W                            DATA   0000000B   0126