Voron Configuration
From Just in Time
CAN Bus upgrade
- This thread has info, but more noise than signal.
- Klipper supports using the BTT Octopus as a USB-to-CAN device
- Some experiences and designs in a github repo here.
- Mellow SB2040 documentation.
- reddit thread with useful links.
Steps performed:
sudo /bin/sh -c "cat > /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0" << EOF
allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 500000
up ifconfig \$IFACE txqueuelen 1024
sudo wget https://cdn.mellow.klipper.cn/shell/can-enable -O /usr/bin/can-enable > /dev/null 2>&1 && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/can-enable || echo "The operation failed"
sudo sed -i '/^exit\ 0$/i \can-enable -d can0 -b 500000 -t 1024' /etc/rc.local